Preschool Screening
Screening for Children from Birth to Three Years Old
Since children may need extra help to reach their potential, the screenings for children from birth to age three focus on providing early identification of children in need of services. If the screening indicates a need for services, parents will be provided with a resource guide of excellent programs within the community. While all children are different, a significant developmental difference from children the same age may indicate the need for early intervention. For further information, please call (888) 566-8228.
Screening for Children from Three to Five Years Old
District 84 provides screenings for children between the ages of three to five to determine if they qualify for our Preschool For All program. All three elementary schools are the site of a state-funded Early Childhood Program for students determined to be at risk for academic failure. For more information about this program, please call 847-678-7962.
Since children may need extra help to reach their potential, the screenings for children from birth to age three focus on providing early identification of children in need of services. If the screening indicates a need for services, parents will be provided with a resource guide of excellent programs within the community. While all children are different, a significant developmental difference from children the same age may indicate the need for early intervention. For further information, please call (888) 566-8228.
Screening for Children from Three to Five Years Old
District 84 provides screenings for children between the ages of three to five to determine if they qualify for our Preschool For All program. All three elementary schools are the site of a state-funded Early Childhood Program for students determined to be at risk for academic failure. For more information about this program, please call 847-678-7962.
Interested parents will need to contact our Parent Facilitator to set up an appointment for their child to go through a screening process to become eligible. Preschool for All is a needs-based program and students will be invited based on their screening eligibility score.
If you are interested in our preschool program, please contact our PFA Parent Facilitator at [email protected] or 847-678-7962 x3851. She will then contact you to set up a screening appointment. Thank you, and we look forward to meeting you!